
我說過, 工作無聊比忙碌更折磨.

今天好像在郊遊, 一邊看我的天下雜誌一邊吃吃喝喝.

(忙碌的人不要打我... )

不過, 雖然是很閒情逸致, 但是我依舊痛苦了一天...

凹烏, 來點事情做吧!


前天抓抓樂的刮痧&拔罐還在耶, 什麼時候會消掉啊...痛痛痛...

這星期還要跟T去, 希望阿姨對我溫柔一點...><


CHANGE THE WORLD        (Eric Clapton)

If I can reach the stars, pull one down for you.
Shine it on my heart, so you could see the truth.
That this love I have inside is everything it seems.
But for now I find, it's only in my dreams.

And I can change the world, I will be the sunlight in your universe.
You would think my love was really something good.
Baby if I could change the world.

And if I could be king, even for a day, I'd take you as my queen.
I'd have it no other way.
And our love would rule, this kingdom we had made.
Till then I'd be a fool, wishing for the day...

That I can change the world, I would be the sunlight in your universe.
You would think my love was really something good, baby if I could change the world.

I could change the world, I would be the sunlight in your universe.
You would think my love was really something good, baby if I could change the world.


今天開車回家想到以前高中的情景, 沒有預料到我們會在一起那麼久.


也不論我們以後會不會在一起, 我永遠都不會忘記跟你的一切.

謝謝你的多年照顧, Thanks So Much~


(最近好像常在開車的時候分心想事情. 果然我不太適合開車, 被熊先生知道又要被罵了!)


剛剛排了一下, 真是我的天.


(然後, 竟然有2場Wedding要參加. 大家幹嘛那麼早結婚啦, 這樣以後會不會只剩我啊...><)


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